Requirements to be a successful real estate consultant

If you want to know what the essential requirements are for building a successful career as a real estate agent, I have prepared some advice and tips that I consider important for performing well in this professional activity.

Do you want to know how to build a brilliant career as a real estate consultant? I have gathered valuable tips and advice that I think are essential for achieving success in this profession.

Communication skills

Successful real estate consultants , often referred to as "Top Producers" , are masters of the art of communication . The success of your interactions with customers and buyers is strongly linked to this skill.

These are some of the most important characteristics to be successful in this career:

  • Non-verbal communication - A consultant with good communication skills is not only able to interpret other people's body language, but is also able to transmit his or her own message through this channel.
  • Active listening - This is one of the most essential communication skills and, often, the least mastered. Knowing how to speak is as vital as knowing how to listen! Active listening requires a genuine predisposition so that the dialogue is truly bilateral and not conditioned by time pressure. It is imperative to pay full attention to the interlocutor and use their statements as a guide to direct the conversation in the desired direction. Active listening not only promotes but also transmits an attitude of mutual respect, helping to overcome possible obstacles. To achieve this goal, being clear and concise is essential.
  • Friendliness: This is an unavoidable requirement.Regardless of the stage or phase of the negotiation process, your communication, whether verbal or non-verbal, must always be courteous, expressive and friendly . Such an attitude not only creates a good impression, but also has a positive influence on the decision of your interlocutor.
  • Empathy - You can be sympathetic, but not necessarily empathetic. Empathy establishes a strong connection between two people.

    You can be nice, but not necessarily empathetic

    A friendly attitude is essential to foster empathy between you and your customers and colleagues; however, it is not enough. Empathy comes from being careful with the words you choose, the way you organize your ideas during dialogue and other factors.


Respect is valued in the real estate industry

Respect is valued in any context. If you respect the people you interact with, whether they are clients or colleagues, by knowing their names, listening to them carefully and understanding their ideas and positions, you will make them take you more seriously.


A real estate consultant who believes in what he says becomes more persuasive

A confident person, who believes in their speech, becomes more persuasive when transmitting a message. People who hear it will also more easily believe what is said. It is essential to treat your customers with dignity, both buyers and owners, and know how to clearly and effectively convey the interests of each one, which do not always coincide.

Good communication skills help a consultant discuss all matters before a contract is signed. Once all the details have been discussed, the consultant should be able to negotiate all aspects of an agreement so that both parties benefit. A good consultant knows how to convince both parties to successfully close an agreement. You can take a look at my article, which addresses some of the Negotiation Techniques Adapted to Real Estate Mediation.

Integrity and Ethics

One of the most important characteristics of a good real estate consultant is honesty. This means that, if you want to become a consultant recognized as the best in your field, you must use your character and integrity as one of your assets.

Being dishonest, unethical and immoral can quickly and permanently harm a career.

No one likes working with a real estate consultant with a dubious reputation.

No one likes working with a consultant who has a shady reputation. Both sellers and buyers are looking for the best return for their business and will likely ask for references before deciding to hire you. Reputation is important; therefore, you must maintain a track record of satisfied customers who can provide positive testimonials about recent, successful businesses.


An attitude of work, commitment and demand distinguishes a consultant from other colleagues and competitors. Buying and selling houses is not a one-day task! It requires time, dedication and effort for both parties to reach a consensus on the terms before signing a contract.

It is precisely for this reason that a good real estate consultant never gives up , working hard to buy or sell properties for the benefit of their clients. Given that buying or selling a house, or other type of property, is a very important decision, no one will want to hire a negligent consultant or someone who doesn't take their work very seriously.

Familiarity with rules, regulations and legislation

A good consultant stays up to date with real estate rules and regulations

A real estate consultant must be aware of the rules and regulations that govern the real estate sector in Portugal. It is crucial that you are familiar with all laws relating to real estate transactions to avoid providing inaccurate information to your clients or misleading them in any way.

The consultant is responsible for guiding his clients, ensuring that they have all the necessary documentation and comply with the technical and legal aspects associated with the sale. Since most homeowners do not have in-depth knowledge of real estate laws when buying or selling a home, they turn to a real estate advisor to guide them through this complex process.


Monitoring each lead is essential for success.Many consultants who aspire to success in the real estate sector fail in one crucial aspect: monitoring. When you neglect to follow up on all leads, you become less likely to achieve good performance.

To be successful, it is essential to follow up on each lead.

Tracking each business opportunity requires the use of CRM software to effectively manage registered opportunities. Leave your notebooks and notes behind and embrace new technologies! Nowadays, it is possible to monitor all relevant details even through applications installed on a simple smartphone.

Successful real estate consultants don't wait for clients to come to them; They keep a meticulous record of all appointments, meetings and visits made, ensuring that no client is forgotten.


A real estate consultant who believes in what he says becomes more persuasive

Successful real estate consultants are those who have a true passion for what they do. They must demonstrate enthusiasm in providing excellent service to their clients, presenting them with the properties that best suit their budget. The real estate agency they represent must also strive for respect for diversity, in order to welcome people from all cultures and origins.

You will rarely find a successful real estate consultant who is discouraged, frustrated or bored with their professional activity. Top consultants are constantly enthusiastic about their work, take care of their appearance and present themselves impeccably. They enter this sector with the aim of helping their clients make successful investments, while building their own path to success.

Final considerations

These are just some of the qualities and skills that a successful real estate consultant must possess to stand out in the sector.

An effective consultant stays abreast of the ever-changing rules and regulations of the real estate world. Those who are persistent, passionate and aware of the dynamics of the real estate market in their local community have all the conditions to become excellent real estate consultants.

A successful real estate consultant is up to date with relevant technological developments, such as online resources, websites, forums and software, which can help to improve the service provided to their clients. Mental agility, effective communication and openness to adopting new technologies are elements that, together, make up a successful real estate consultant.