Working at KW

Working at KW Portugal - Keller Williams Working at KW Portugal - Keller Williams, the largest real estate company in the world (more than 188,000 associates) and one of the most awarded, is an opportunity that can change your life. It changed mine!

Although Keller Williams began its expansion in Portugal just 7 years ago, it is now the 3rd real estate franchising company in Portugal (in number of agents) and very close to surpassing second place! This does not happen by chance, the brand sets itself apart from the rest of the competition by highlighting the importance of its associates, through a remuneration policy that maximizes the Real Estate Agent's earnings. Find out what KW's emblematic phrase means:

Careers worth having, Businesses worth owning and Lives worth living!

... and discover the vision behind Keller Williams:

Brief History of Keller Williams

Keller Williams, commonly known as KW, is the largest international real estate franchising company, headquartered in the USA (Austin, Texas) and providing real estate consultancy and mediation services for the residential and commercial market, in more than 59 countries/regions, including Portugal.

Keller Williams operates worldwide in more than 59 regions/countries KW was founded in 1983 by Gary Keller and Joe Williams and currently operates on all continents (except Oceania), currently having more than 188,000 associates spread across 1,100 Market Centers (franchisees).

It is the brand with the largest number of real estate agents in North America and in Portugal it rose to 3rd position in the national ranking, in just 5 years, and today has around 2,800 associates and 32 Market Centers, distributed throughout the country.

The existence of a company culture of its own, actively promoted in local and national retreats (e.g. the Family Reunion ), where the Keller Williams vision is discussed and where the experiences of agents from all over the world are shared, has a strong impact in brand activity.

What are the requirements to be a Real Estate Agent at KW?

This is one of the few careers in which there are no filters based on age, nationality, gender, race or qualifications. But it is clear that there are skills and characteristics of the personal profile that determine the success of a commercial agent. Successful real estate agents (Top Producers) master the art of communicating well like no one else, as the success of their work with clients and buyers depends on this. There are some characteristics that you should possess or improve: requirements to be a good real estate agent

What makes the career of a KW agent different?

The slogan that defines Keller Williams' vision gives you an idea of what awaits you when you work at KW: "... lives worth living! " This is the summary sentence, but it says much more to those who have already taken this option a long time ago. In fact, the phrase that I am most pleased to hear from learned colleagues and with which I identify 100%: " Why didn't I change my life a while ago? " says it all!

Work, support your family, manage your personal finances, make your dreams come true, obtain professional recognition, undertake, spend time with friends, attend that course you always wanted, travel, meet new people, create new friendships, trade in your old car, buy a new house and still be happy is not an equation with an easy solution. Not in a country where many choose to abandon it, looking for a solution outside of Portugal.

For me, working at KW gave me all of this. No, no work! No, without effort! No, no disappointments! But with the grateful reward that smiles on those who take risks because they know they deserve more!

The remuneration of a Real Estate Agent at KW

One of the frequently asked questions is " How much does a real estate agent make at KW-Keller Williams? ". At KW, remuneration does not depend on a base salary, unlike other professions. The remuneration is variable and depends on the commissions received, resulting from the real estate transactions carried out, which, with some exceptions, is 5% of the property's sales value. E.g. if a property is transacted for €100,000, without sharing with other colleagues, Keller Williams will charge a commission of €5,000 (+VAT) for the business (even if the property has a price of less than €100,000, this is the minimum amount that KW charges). This commission amount will be divided as follows:

  • The Real Estate Agent receives 40% (in the 1st year of activity), 50% or 98% (after reaching the CAPPER level, during that year);
  • The Market Center to which it belongs receives between 0% and 60%, with a maximum annual ceiling of €25,000, per agent;
  • This advisor's Growth Share network receives 2%.

This is why KW's remuneration policy makes all the difference, as it maximizes the Real Estate Agent's earnings, thus creating conditions for the agent to develop his activity as a business. If you are looking for a job in the real estate sector in Portugal, Keller Williams is the company that offers the best paid career!

KW Commission System - Keller Williams

Firstly, it is important to note that the " year of activity " of a Keller Williams agent is not governed by conventional calendar dates. Instead, the 12 months are counted from their " birthday ", which corresponds to the day and month the agent joined the company. In addition, VAT of 23% is added to the commission values mentioned below (except when the annual turnover is less than 13,500 euros).

In short, this is the KW-Keller Williams Commission System in force in Portugal:

  • 1st Level: At the entry level, the agent receives a gross commission of 40%, which is calculated based on the commissions generated by real estate transactions carried out. From the 2nd year of activity, or after totaling €50,000 in real estate commissions, you automatically move to the 2nd Level.
  • 2nd Level: At this level, where the agent always begins his "year of activity" (except in the 1st year), he receives a gross commission of 50% on the commissions charged to clients.
  • 3rd Level: After reaching this level, that is, from the moment he becomes ' Capper ', the agent will receive 98% of the commissions charged to his clients, until the end of his "year of activity". A Real Estate Agent is a ' Capper ' when he or she is over 50.000 € in turnover (of which you will receive half). In other words, during a agent's "year of activity", the Market Center to which they belong will charge a maximum of €25,000 (CAP), with the consultant being responsible for 98% of the remaining turnover! In a given "year of activity" the CAP value may be even lower, if your Growth Share network was productive in the 'previous year'. This is a feature introduced for the first time by KW in the consultant's remuneration policy and which distinguishes it from the general real estate industry!
Growht Share is a Keller Williams remuneration policy that rewards those who help grow the KW network
  • Growth Share: One of the advantages of working at KW lies in this type of remuneration.Whenever a agent plays a decisive role in the recruitment of another KW agent and the latter appoints him as a Sponsor, he begins to receive a part of the remuneration earned by the recruited agents.

    And if the Sponsor agent maintains his activity as a KW agent for a minimum period of 3 years, these earnings will last for life for him or her designated beneficiary (in case of death). In other words, even if the sponsor agent stops working for KW, he will continue to receive, on a lifetime basis, a part of the commissions earned by the agents he helped to recruit and from all those they recruited (up to the 7th level)!

    On this page you can find a more detailed description of what Growth Share is.

What are the first steps to working at KW?

Keller Williams supports those who wish to embark on a career as a real estate agent in one of its main pillars: training. For some reason, Keller Williams continues to grow the number of agents year after year. Therefore, first of all, an interview with the Team Leader of the Market Center closest to where you live is necessary. KW Portugal currently has 31 Market Centers spread across the country, in the main urban areas on the country's coast.

If you wish, contact me, so I can forward and advise you to the most suitable person. You can fill out this contact form. I will be brief in my answer!

In these 3 weeks, I successfully closed the following transactions:

Deed: Deed: Rented: CPCV: https://... View more

Don't miss it! Watch the full episode of the interview ( by clicking on the image above ), or through the following channels:

Spotify: Youtube:

Presented by the recognized Real Estate Influencer, Massimo Forte, and driven by Twinkloo...

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It was in September 2014 that KW Portugal started an adventure that today involves more than 2,700 associates spread across 32 Market Centers from north to south of the country! Portugal is now Keller Williams' biggest market outside the US and Canada.

But if the numbers in Portugal are impressive, when we count the more than 192 thousand professionals, in 56...

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Keller Williams-KW, despite its success story since 1983 in the US and Canada, has only recently begun its worldwide expansion. Portugal was one of the first countries and the one where the results have been more expressive, as a result of the strategy of implantation in the coast of the country, where it already has more than 2700 employees spread over 32 Market Centers . I...

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In the same alignment, KW Internacional, in the first quarter of 2022, grew 10.5% in turnover in the USA and Canada and 25.9% in the rest of the world, now counting on 2 more regions, Brazil - (São Paulo) and Saudi Arabia, in a global total of 190,000 members!

Ana Mação, in line with the growth of KW

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KW Área Madeira and its team of more than 180 real estate consultants and employees are to be congratulated on the new facilities at Quinta dos Ilhéus!

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"I accepted a new challenge..." It is almost always with this phrase that those who decide to change jobs or simply embrace a new project, communicate their decision to change. Because? Because the word challenge encompasses everything that an unknown scenario represents. We can be successful or not because nothing is guaranteed. Above all, the predisposition to take...

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All pretexts are good for celebrating the fruits of our labor. But this particular week, when KW Portugal celebrates the 7th anniversary , of a short existence but full of successes, I could not fail to mark it with a small balance of my real estate activity. We are to be congratulated!

It was in September 2014 that KW Portugal started an adventure that today...

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