8th Anniversary of KW Portugal

KW Portugal celebrates 8 years todaymy 7 years of real estate career, always alongside KW. We are to be congratulated! on the date on which it started its activity. Eight years of a short life, when compared to the 39 years of the parent company, Keller Williams International, but filled with many successes. I could not fail to mark this date and also congratulate myself on

It was in September 2014 that KW Portugal started an adventure that today involves more than 2,700 associates spread across 32 Market Centers from north to south of the country! Portugal is now Keller Williams' biggest market outside the US and Canada.

But if the numbers in Portugal are impressive, when we count the more than 192 thousand professionals, in 56 regions/countries spread across 5 continents (as of June 30, 2022), you can see why Keller Williams is the largest and most dynamic network of real estate franchising in the world.

" How does KW help you to achieve your purpose, your big why? " Marco Tairum, CEO of KW Portugal, tells us how, in this video:

For me, 2022 goes well and is recommended

A little around the world and since 2021, there has been a recovery from the drops recorded during the pandemic. The results of my activity, from January to August, reflect this dynamic and go even a little further.

With almost 3 months to go before the end of the year, I carried out 61 transactions, representing real estate deals totaling 38 Million Euros. I ended the month of August ranking 1st in the Accumulated Individual Top of 2022 and I am on my way to having an exceptional year, probably my best year ever! But in these troubled times, all caution is little ;)

Dissecting the pros and cons

During the first 8 months of 2022, not everything was easy and not everything was linear. If there is a change that the pandemic has brought to my spirit, it is that the only certainty I have is that there are no certainties! In these times, more important than occasional success is the speed with which we are able to adapt to change and the importance of maintaining a range of solutions as diverse as possible.

The new post-Covid dynamics, added to the war in Ukraine and the spiral of inflation, accentuated the urgency of responding to new needs and the new profile of buyers, namely:

  • The search for new places of residence, further away from city centers. Even at an international level, interest in the center of the Portuguese capital has shifted to wider, greener and more airy areas and to properties with outdoor leisure areas. eg thanks to road access, the north of Lisbon (Ericeira, Mafra, etc.) is a stone's throw from the center of Lisbon, with electric mobility - which is here to stay - reducing the costs associated with distance;
  • The demand for houses in the design or construction phase, benefiting from the prices in plan, remains high, although it is not enough to satisfy the high demand, especially from investors, foreigners and expatriates;
  • The search for land for housing and collective construction, despite the difficulties associated with licensing and inflation of construction costs, seems to have no end in sight;
  • The renovation of the housing stock of used properties in the main cities remained on the rise, despite some decrease in activity due to the restrictions imposed on Local Lease and Visa Gold.
  • The T(n)+Office Typology has become a priority. With the adhesion of many professionals to telework. 
  • O aumento da procura por parte de estrangeiros que pretendem residir em Portugal. É de prever que esta tendência se mantenha forte durante os próximos anos, acelerada entre outras razões pelo teletrabalho, pela globalização da economia e pela elevada atratividade do país em matéria de segurança e qualidade de vida. O número de nacionalidades que me contacta está em permanente crescimento e diversificação. Parece que todo o Mundo quer vir morar para Portugal!
  • O aumento das taxas de juro bancárias vai trazer novas dificuldades e novos desafios. É previsível que muitas casas sejam devolvidas ao mercado, reduzindo um pouco a atual escassez de imoveis, com o previsível incumprimento do pagamento de compromissos bancários e fiscais. Não deixo de lamentar o drama que tal significa para muitas famílias, mas este é um facto que já ocorreu no passado, em momentos de crise semelhantes;

Resumindo, novas dificuldades em paralelo com novas oportunidades são um estimulo para a dinâmica imobiliária e que irão ajudar a retoma da atividade pós-pandemia.

Predictions are made in the end

Today, the buyer is more demanding and is looking for houses with modern characteristics and different typologies, with housing at the head of preferences.Well, this is always the hardest part. As I said at the beginning of the year, the aforementioned challenges require a more agile and diversified response on the part of the real estate market.

There is a great deal of uncertainty regarding the evolution of interest rates and how far they may rise. The war and the measures that may have to be taken by governments, during the cold season in Europe, may further aggravate the current scenario that is already of great difficulty for many families.

The current shortage of real estate is one of the biggest difficulties in the real estate market. Just 3 years ago, in the Lisbon district, one of the main real estate platforms presented around 50,000 advertisements for the sale of houses. Today there are only 30,000. As it is not foreseeable a significant increase in the construction of new houses, this scenario can only be mitigated with the entry of used houses in the sale and rental market, as a result of the economic crisis.

My way of mitigating all these impacts is through greater diversification in the property portfolio: resale and new construction market, different types and types of properties, investment in rental, which continues to be in strong demand, investment in new areas in the periphery cities, where there has been a noticeable increase in demand, etc.

If you're not afraid to take on a challenge that could change your life, learn more about the career change that changed my life and that of over 192 000 colleagues around the world! Check my page: https://ana-macao-kw.pt/trabalhar-na-kw-keller-williams