Real Estate Market

Nesta página poderá acompanhar diversos artigos e notícias acerca do mercado imobiliário, em portugal e no mundo, desde relatórios sobre o andamento dos preços de venda dos imóveis, até às dinâmicas próprias de um mercado com muitas especificidades e grande variabilidade.

In the past, I had already looked into this trend, which has brought celebrities from all over the world, some because they choose to buy a house and live in this corner of Europe and others because they rent a house and live here for some time.

The Correio da Manhã journalistic article summarizes my responses to the...

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Having been approved on January 8, 2024, the "Licensing Simplex" within the More Housing Package, no longer requires the presentation of the Habitation License and Technical Dossier of the property, or proof of their existence, at the time of the deed of sale and purchase of a house, with retroactive effects from January 1, 2024.

But what is the purpose of these documents... View more
I finished 2023 well, 2024 belongs to God

Currently, we face a new difficulty: the scarcity of available properties. This phenomenon, combined with rising prices, is making access to housing increasingly complicated for the majority of Portuguese people. However, despite all these challenges, 2023 turned out to be the most fruitful year of my career as a real estate consultant. The numbers...

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Index What are, nowadays, and very briefly, the main difficulties for those who want to buy or rent a house? What is the root of the problem in Portugal? For a young person who wants to buy their first home, what barriers are there? Are there any incentives missing? Which? And what future challenges does the new generation face?... View more

The Portuguese real estate market has been a focus of attraction for foreign investors since 2015, with special emphasis on this summer of 2023. Whether in the housing or commercial segments, year after year, the numbers never cease to surprise us. This constant and growing interest is evident both in investments aimed at housing and those destined for the commercial sector, reinforcing the...

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Introduction to the Real Estate Market in Portugal

Portugal is a destination appreciated by foreigners, thanks to its mild climate, feeling of security, good schools, quality services and infrastructure, for having receptive and hospitable people, where command of the English language is great, magnificent landscapes and a rich culture . These reasons are amplified by an attractive real...

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Index Why pay a 5% commission and what services do you receive in return? Is the 5% Commission Excessive? What do owners and buyers think ? 5 reasons that justify the value of the real estate commission Factors that Influence the Commission Amount Table of Commissions paid... View more

In recent years, Portugal has stood out as a destination of choice for many international celebrities. Its mild climate, quality of life, gastronomy and rich and diverse culture have attracted more and more famous foreigners who decide to settle in the country.

It seems like a small thing, but Portugal could hardly aspire to a more effective marketing strategy, in favor...

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