We reached the end of the year 2020 and December confirmed me as the individual real estate consultant that sold the most during this year, at KW Portugal. This distinction gave me the 1st place in the National Top of Keller Williams Portugal with regard to the volume of business accumulated during the year 2020, among more than 2,000 consultants!
This distinction is the result of an alignment of good stars: Keller WiliamsKW Sol, the largest real estate network in the world (in number of professionals), the Market Center (the largest real estate agency in Oeiras) and obviously all colleagues.
Of course, I could not fail to mention the importance that my buying and selling clients, with whom I had the pleasure of mediating business during the year 2020, had for this extraordinary performance. It never hurts to mention that, in order to be successful in this area, the selection of properties and clients is a key element. And during this year that ended, I didn’t lack homes, apartments and lots with above-average quality land!
But it was not all easy. The COVID-19 pandemic brought new challenges and added difficulties. I ended the year with the award of a Double Platinum, the short distance from the Triple Platinum that I obtained in 2019. This does not mean that I have performed fewer transactions and turnover. Many of the deeds that were scheduled for 2019 had to be postponed, due to delays in the issuance of the respective use licenses, by the municipal services. Had it not been for these obstacles and 2020 would have been my record year.
either he comes out reinforced and guarantees success for the next years, or his weaknesses are more exposed . In 2020 I did well, in 2021 I am sure that I will do everything to not disappoint all those who believed in me over these 5 years!It is in these special moments that each real estate consultant is put to the test:
I am very proud of this award and confident in the future!