Every year, the KW consultant (Keller Williams) restarts his real estate activity with a lower commission, complying with the usual rule of this activity: without effort and commitment there is no reward.
For a Keller Williams consultant, every year, the objective is to re-enter the restricted Clube Capper and reacquire the right to... Ler Mais
According to an opinion study carried out by the environmental association Quercus in partnership with the Sustainable Construction Portal, carried out in 2027:
About 74% of Portuguese consider their homes cold in winter , 25% consider their homes warm in summer and only 1% of Portuguese consider their home thermally... Ler Mais
We reached the end of the year 2021 and December confirmed me as the individual real estate consultant that sold the most during this year, at KW Portugal. This distinction regarding the 1st place in the National Top of Keller Williams Portugal, concerns the accumulated turnover during the year... Ler Mais
All pretexts are good for celebrating the fruits of our labor. But this particular week, when KW Portugal celebrates the 7th anniversary , of a short existence but full of successes, I could not fail to mark it with a small balance of my real estate activity. We are to be congratulated!
It was in September 2014 that KW... Ler Mais
Enjoying the company of a dog can do wonders for your well-being. Recent research has shown that having a dog is good for you and your family, physically and emotionally. Dogs make us happier, healthier and help us deal with a crisis - and they can even help you get a date. Read more about the 10 scientific benefits of... Ler Mais
The statement now released by AECOPS (Association of Construction Companies, Public Works and Services) and AICCOPN (Association of Industrial Construction and Public Works), in the Analysis of the Construction Situation in January , predicts that the activity of the Construction sector maintain an overall... Ler Mais
In 2021, property owners will pay less IMI (municipal property tax) in 84 municipalities in the country. According to the legislation that governs this tax, which reverts to the municipal coffers, each municipality has the autonomy to choose which rates to apply, within certain limits. In the case of a home for own... Ler Mais
Although not a total surprise, as I have accumulated this distinction since 2017 on an ongoing basis, the past year was a test year that allowed me to reinforce the conviction that this surprising journey over the last 5 years was not the result of chance.
As the Portuguese say, the future belongs to God!... Ler Mais