Another month, November 2023, in which I remain No. 1 in the Top Individual of the KW Portugal year to date , since March 2023 . And there’s not much left until the year ends!
The results continue to reward the persistence of my strategy, which can be summarized simply:
- Strive to ensure that each fundraising becomes a successful transaction. For me, there are no weak or strong, cheap or expensive properties; everyone deserves the same attention and the same volume of investment. This is one of the reasons for my success, because the owners who trust my work, on a recurring basis, know this and recognize that there are few who are willing to invest so much in their properties, even when: the market is not good, the price is an obstacle, or the property presents challenging characteristics for sale.
- Invest in the quality of presentation of the properties I promote. Hiring good professionals is not cheap. Ensuring that every detail is almost perfect, from the photos, through the video and Virtual Tour, to the plans - which are all redone for better viewing - and descriptions translated into several languages, requires the effort of a team of qualified professionals.
- Invest heavily in the digital ecosystem. Promotion is one of the most important vectors in my strategy. Investing in advertising platforms and social networks is expensive, but the commission that my clients pay serves exactly that purpose. Even though I know that I run the risk of losing the entire investment if I don't achieve the desired success, my professional conscience does not allow me to work any other way.
- Qualify interested parties very well and maintain an assertive and professional commercial stance. Sometimes, owners don't understand why I carry out so few visits to their properties compared to other consultants. This is not due to a lack of requests for information. My percentage of leads per property is high. But, as I usually say, "I don't do tourist visits to properties" and, unfortunately, there are buyers who use and abuse this strategy. Qualifying customers well prevents wasted resources and avoids false expectations for owners.Often, with less than half a dozen visits, I complete a transaction.
- Know-how and experience make the difference. We do not all have the same level of experience, nor do we all share the same focus. We don't all have the same professional path, nor the skills that are necessary to reach the 'T op Producer ' level. For me, with each passing year, the high volume of transactions and the diversity of cases I come across contribute to reinforcing my knowledge and raising the level of specialization, both in my area of activity (which mainly covers the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon), as well as in real estate mediation in general.
- Ensuring that all details of a transaction are anticipated and have a quick response. From the legal sector to property documentation, including tax obligations, all those involved who depend on me guarantee that all stages during the sales process are completed quickly and without surprises.
Work, consistency and quality guarantee results. You just need to have the necessary resilience!
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