The Dependent Gross Area of a house, or other type of property, corresponds to the covered and closed areas for the exclusive use of the owner , even if they constitute common parts or are located outside the building or fraction and whose use is ancillary, in relation to the use for which the property is intended.
Included in this category:
However, the area of sheds and porches is not part of the Gross Dependent Area , as it is not a closed area.
Normally, when you want to determine the total Gross Area of a house, you add the Gross Private Area to the Gross Dependent Area. It is clear that the divisions included in the Gross Dependent Area do not have the same value as the areas destined for residential use.
can find very different values per square meter between identical housesThose looking for a house on real estate portals or advertising platforms , as there is no single criterion on the part of real estate consultants or owners. However, the Gross Construction Area is usually used, which includes the two areas referred to above, and the Useful Area of the property may also be mentioned.
The quickest and most reliable way to check this value (assuming that the data are updated on the Finance Portal) is through the property's Land Book:
However, the Caderneta Predial does not always mention this area (in older properties) and it does not mention the breakdown of the divisions included therein.But there are other possible alternatives, not always so straightforward: