Deployment Polygon

The site polygon is the closed polygonal line that delimits an area of the ground within which it is possible to build .

The implantation polygon is normally delimited in an urbanization or detail plan or by allotment permit , directly through its plan design or through building parameters, namely by imposing setbacks and spacing.

The implantation polygon may still result, in whole or in part, from the delimitation of administrative easements or public utility restrictions.

In the case of a Plot of Land, when designing the construction of a house, the implantation area will have to respect the Implantation Polygon . That is, you can only build, below or above ground, respecting the limits defined by the Implementation Polygon in the respective allotment project.

The construction project may not use the total area defined in the Implementation Polygon , as this is not a mandatory requirement of the allotment permit, it only serves to establish the limits within which it is possible to build, in short:

What is mandatory is that the building, or rather its implantation area, does not exceed the area of the implantation polygon .

Can balconies and porches go beyond the implantation polygon?

Regarding the possibility of balconies and porches going beyond the implantation polygon defined in the allotment synthesis plans, in abstract the answer will be yes, they can exceed the limits imposed by the implantation polygon , because by legal definition these are not included in the accounting of the area of implantation.

However, there is a restriction that must be respected: the minimum distances from the boundary of the lot and the buildings on the adjacent lots . This restriction imposed by the RGEU (General Regulation of Urban Buildings) aims to safeguard the healthiness of buildings, guaranteeing minimum levels of ventilation, natural lighting and sun exposure.

In summary, the regulations say that:

Article 75 of the RGEU:

Whenever there are balconies, porches or any other constructions on the facades over patios or patios, protruding from the walls, susceptible of impairing the lighting or ventilation conditions , the distances or minimum dimensions established in article 73 will be counted from the extreme limits of these constructions.

Article 73 of the RGEU, where the text clarifies the distances to which the windows of the house must be subject to the adjacent walls or facades, in order to avoid any obstacle to lighting:

The windows of the compartments of the dwellings must always be arranged in such a way that their distance from any fronting wall or façade, measured perpendicularly to the plane of the window and in compliance with the provisions of article 75.º, is not less than half the height of that wall or façade. , above the level of the floor of the compartment, with a minimum of three meters . In addition, there should not be any obstacle to lighting at a distance of less than 2 meters on either side of the vertical axis of the window, and the minimum spacing of 3 meters set out above must be ensured across the entire width.

Thus, as long as the minimum distances imposed by regulations are respected , between the side facades of adjacent buildings, or between the side facade of the building and a mediation wall that delimits the lot, there will be no problem. Otherwise, this restriction may make it impossible for the City Council to approve the architectural projects presented within the scope of licensing processes for the construction or reconstruction of buildings and construction will have to be withdrawn within the polygon, until such minimum distances are met. .

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