Real Estate Blog


Real estate news and everything related to your house

In 2021, property owners will pay less IMI (municipal property tax) in 84 municipalities in the country. According to the legislation that governs this tax, which reverts to the municipal coffers, each municipality has the autonomy to choose which rates to apply, within certain limits. In the case of a home for own... Ler Mais

Although not a total surprise, as I have accumulated this distinction since 2017 on an ongoing basis, the past year was a test year that allowed me to reinforce the conviction that this surprising journey over the last 5 years was not the result of chance.

As the Portuguese say, the future belongs to God!... Ler Mais

We reached the end of the year 2020 and December confirmed me as the individual real estate consultant that sold the most during this year, at KW Portugal. This distinction gave me the 1st place in the National Top of Keller Williams Portugal with regard to the volume of business accumulated during... Ler Mais

Capper 2021

Every year, the KW consultant (Keller Williams) restarts his activity with a lower commission, following the usual rule in real estate: without effort and commitment there is no reward.

The objective is to re-enter the restricted Club Capper and regain the right to receive 95% of the commission on real estate transactions carried... Ler Mais

The answer is not the same for everyone. It is clear that if we analyze only from a financial point of view, comparing the installment to be paid to the bank versus the amount of rent to be paid to the landlord, the conclusion may point to the purchase of the house, to the detriment of the lease option.

Advantages... Ler Mais
Teleworking an upward trend

This is a trend that has been growing for a decade, in line with the development of digital tools and the growth of jobs in the services area. E-mail, video conferences, electronic devices such as smartphones and others, facilitated this path and "created" professions that... Ler Mais

Luís Lima, the president of APEMIP , came to resume agreement with the confinement measures decided by the Government, in the context of the State of Emergency and the current pandemic, with a view to stop the contagion of the virus and protect the health and life of the Portuguese.

However, he recalled that... Ler Mais

The last month of 2020, December, helped to attenuate the stabilization of sales prices recorded throughout the year. It is recalled that the successive confinements and restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic imposed a brake on the increasing price evolution in the residential... Ler Mais