
Here is a topic that interests everyone. This is a subject that interests me especially, as I like to write about all kinds of news, tips and articles concerning the house, its decoration, maintenance, security, etc. etc.

However, there is still a restriction that makes it difficult to monetize the panels, without the sun there is no energy conversion, and consumption is higher during the night. Although there are already panels that can convert night heat into electricity, their efficiency is still low.

Storing unused energy during the day in batteries is an expensive solution and expensive...

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Nowadays, we all have appliances at home that make our lives easier. However, the price of water and energy also increases with its use, so we must do everything possible to use them efficiently, not to mention the preservation of the environment.

the price of water

Water is a scarce commodity and its price increasingly reflects this reality, not only due to the rising costs...

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Is your house cold?

According to an opinion study carried out by the environmental association Quercus in partnership with the Sustainable Construction Portal, carried out in 2027:

About 74% of Portuguese consider their homes cold in winter , 25% consider their homes warm in summer and only 1% of Portuguese consider their...

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Enjoying the company of a dog can do wonders for your well-being. Recent research has shown that having a dog is good for you and your family, physically and emotionally. Dogs make us happier, healthier and help us deal with a crisis - and they can even help you get a date. Read more about the 10 scientific benefits of owning a dog.

1. Dogs make us feel less alone

Dogs can keep you...

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As in Portugal we don't have the tradition of grape varieties, we use a substitute called "luxury" to segment people and tastes. The difficulty is in measuring the limits of its application. What is luxurious for some is trivial for others. What for some is reproachable for others is a reason for admiration and envy. This is a territory where consensus and common sense do not...

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From buying a new house, from love to appetite, to our memories, the odor awakens the rest of the senses to an invisible chemical universe, composed of gases and particles, which, due to the fact that it manifests itself so subtly, is given less importance. than the one you really have, but you knew that:

75% of the emotions we generate daily are affected by smell. Next to the vision,...

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With each passing year, people die and are injured as a result of fires in homes. In Portugal alone (according to statistics, from 2010), more than 7,430 urban fires occur per year.

The most common causes of home fires are:

Cooking - Ovens, stoves and other appliances in the kitchen; Smoking - Cigarettes erased carelessly; Fireplaces -... View more

So, I leave you here a compilation of tips that can help you to improve the security of your home and avoid major evils.

All care is little Avoid leaving valuables in sight , do not arouse the greed of those who pass by, it may not be well intentioned. If you live in a house or farm, care will have to be doubled; Don't even think about leaving keys in the usual "... View more