Houses maintain the trend of appreciation

Values obtained from the Survey on Banking Assessment in Housing, prepared by INE.

Evolução dos preços por m2, entre 2011/15, dos apartamentos em Lisboa, Cascais e Sintra.

INE published the Survey on Banking Evaluation in Housing, for the month of December 2015. This confirms the trend of increasing appreciation of the price per m² of apartments and houses in the regions of Lisbon, Sintra, Oeiras and Cascais. This growth has a more linear behavior with regard to the purchase of apartments.

In these locations, the appreciation of the residential market started around June / 15 and although the values before the real estate crisis have not yet been reached, the recovery trend seems to be here to stay.

In the country, for the year 2015 as a whole, the average valuation value was set at 1034 euros / m2, which translated into an increase of 2.6% compared to the previous year.