
Housing is one of the main pillars in human life and one of the constitutional rights. All related topics will be addressed here in the form of articles, advice and news. Follow this page.

Keeping your home cool during the summer is important, but it's also crucial to reduce your impact on the environment. Check out my tips for reducing heat and keeping your home cooler , in a sustainable way, while saving money and helping to preserve the planet .

Index 10 Tips to cool down your home and... View more

The Portuguese real estate market has faced significant challenges due to variations in interest rates. In June, interest represented more than half of the mortgage loan payment, directly affecting owners and potential buyers.

The Situation in Portugal

In June, the interest rate implicit in home loan contracts reached 3.649%, the highest value since April 2009. This increase resulted in...

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The program aims to increase the supply of affordable housing in Portugal, fight real estate speculation and promote foreign investment in the housing sector.

Measures of the "Mais Habitação" Package

The program contains several measures, among which the following can be highlighted:

Creation of support for the promotion of affordable rental housing; Promotion of a new generation... View more

A summer home, also known as a second home or weekend home, is an additional home usually used for leisure or vacation. With the acceleration of the telecommuting trend in the post-covid period, many have taken the opportunity to make this temporary home their main residence. After all, who wouldn't want to live in a kind of permanent holiday home, away from the stress and bustle of cities?...

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Despite everything, 2022 turned out to be a year where the very good and the very bad were mixed, with the balance, in terms of real estate activity, being positive.

2022 an unusually exceptional year

For me and many other colleagues, with experience and a consistent career in real estate, it was another year of challenges and opportunities that, with hard work and some merit, we were...

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Let's be clear, without housing credit it would not be possible for many Portuguese people to enjoy a basic right: to have a roof and adequate living conditions. The ECB has just announced measures that will increase the cost of this credit. And warned that more increases are coming!

After a 0.5% rise in July, a 0.75% rise in the ECB's key rates follows. The...

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Nowadays, we all have appliances at home that make our lives easier. However, the price of water and energy also increases with its use, so we must do everything possible to use them efficiently, not to mention the preservation of the environment.

the price of water

Water is a scarce commodity and its price increasingly reflects this reality, not only due to the rising costs...

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This is related to the ruling issued by the Supreme Court of Justice (STJ), reported today, which cancels the possibility of coexisting, in the same building, permanent and temporary housing . In other words, the Local Lease no longer has a legal framework that supports it, if the property targeted by the AL License does not provide for its use for tourist purposes.


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