How to sell your home: Make a good impression at first sight

Despite what you, or your real estate consultant, may promise before a visit, nothing beats the first visual impression of the interested buyer. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that everything is in the best possible conditions, before the visit.

Here is a good suggestion: get out of your property and put yourself in the role of the buyer, paying a visit as if you did not know the property . In other words, awaken your critical sense and pay attention to all details, except that the house is yours.

Surely you will notice those details or imperfections that you have become accustomed to and that you don’t even notice, but that can cause a bad impression, such as: cracks, dirty walls, unfinished garden, furniture needing cleaning or minor touches, mosaics and dirty stones, littering, etc., etc.

The exterior of the house or apartment is just as or more important than the interior. An unpleasant first impression negatively affects the rest of the visit.

You can also enjoy the photo report of your home (if you don't have it, do it yourself) and calmly, watch the photos on your computer. Your look will certainly be different and imperfections will be detected more quickly. If you have the help of a real estate consultant to assist you in selling, ask for his/her opinion and listen to their advice.

If you come to the conclusion that some maintenance interventions are necessary, remember that your cost is likely to have a positive effect on the final sale price, multiplying your gain by 2 or 3, compared to the cost of the intervention. Increase your profit and save on the time the property may take to sell.