I confess that I am a no-brainer | Chronicle of a Real Estate Agent

Today is the day I confess to being "brainless". Yes, because dealing with some of the information requests that come to me daily sometimes exceeds the limits of my limited brain capacity.

Nowadays, it is known that there are no longer "crazy people" as there once were, but rather a gradient of subtle cognitive disorders that range from stress-oh-hallucinated, to completely swept away... (piii)!

Here I leave for future studies on humanity, a request for information that I received, to buy or sell a house, with my questions and the respective answers from someone who refers to himself in the third person as "Your Excellency", and who I am affectionately called "Acéfala".

Information request

Tel: +351925963***
​email: sr.domisaurindo.pasteleiro@***.com
​name: His Excellency Lord Subviscount Lord Dom Isaurindo Maria Putássio Carroças Lord Sub Viscount of Sebadelhe da Serra Pastry Maker Plumber and Bullfighter Godson of His Most Holy Holiness His Most Holy Resplendent Magnificence Holy Lordly Excellence Most Holy Lord Holy Count Holy Lord Dom Durbalindo Jozé Carvalho Barboza e Mello and Omnipresent Holy Lord Holy Count of Maçãs de Dona Maria A Holy Man

Q: Do you want to sell your house?

A: It's a bit of a no-brainer, isn't it? Add the traditional acephalousness of sellers who rent houses with a little more of the so-called acephalousness to come here and ask if His Excellency wants to sell His house? We are talking about His Excellency, His Excellency is His Excellency, His Excellency in addition to being His Excellency, His Excellency is a Gift, His Excellency does not sell, His Excellency buys and buys luxury, unless His Excellency sees that it belongs to Him. interest and that it brings you some advantage to help someone without possessions and resolve to purchase a house in less good conditions to settle there that someone without possessions and take advantage of this by carrying out an action to publicize Your noble gesture. If one day His Excellency wakes up and in His wise wisdom decides to dispose of some of his assets because it is in His interest or just because he wants to, His Excellency would never under any circumstances resort to the brainless services of a simple house rental saleswoman, His Excellency has advisors for matters relating to the disposal of His Excellency's assets who deal with these matters for His Excellency.

Q: Do you want to buy a house?

A: Here we go again to the typical acephalousness of the typical house rental saleswoman offering her services, have you never been told that it doesn't look good for a lady to be offered? Girl, once again, we are talking about His Excellency who, as already mentioned, in addition to being His Excellency, is a Dom and, as has also been mentioned, there are advisors for matters related to acquisitions of His Excellency's assets who only deal with acquisitions of heritage for His Excellency.

Q: Need help?

A: It depends on the type of help you are offering. Despite having advisors for matters related to aid, His Excellency is always open to a new helper on the condition that this help is in His Excellency's interests and brings him unequivocal advantages.

Conclusion: When someone dedicates so much time and effort to sending me a message of this nature, I think the least I can do is give them their deserved 5 minutes of fame. And we already know, when someone seems 'slightly hallucinated' to us today, tomorrow they could become your best client! ;)