KW Portugal aims to reach the 2500 consultants by the end of 2018

KW-Keller Williams Portugal aims to reach the end of the year with a total of 2,500 members, reinforcing Portugal's leading position in the KW network outside the US and Canada.

Keller Williams (KW Portugal) reached in April the number of 1,750 associates (between commercial consultants and staff ). This number is in line with the aforementioned objective of having 2,500 consultants by the end of the year and places Portugal in the spotlight vis-à-vis the more than 20 countries that operate outside the North American continent, where the world's largest franchising brand in the industry real estate started its activity.

Regarding the vision of Kweller Williams and the strategy of growth of its human capital in Portugal, Eduardo Garcia e Costa - Regional Owner of KW Portugal - said :

At present, KW is the greatest career and entrepreneurship opportunity in the market. A successful career in KW goes through two components: the entrepreneurial and the familiar. We believe that if we focus all of our resources on building the career, business and life of the consultants, they help us build a better business. It is with this value proposition that we attract, develop and retain highly skilled people and, consequently, become market leaders.

In Portugal, the brand was created just over 3 years ago, and already has 21 Market Centers distributed mainly by the country's coastal zone. The goal is to cover Portugal and islands in the medium term, with emphasis on the more densely populated areas.

The brand of real estate franchising bets on the installation of large Market Centers, with approximately 100 consultants each, differing from the rest of the competition, where the usual model goes through a larger spraying in the territory, using smaller local agencies.

Also according to Eduardo Garcia e Costa:

The profile sought by Keller Williams clearly follows industry standards. KW intends to recruit mainly talented and highly qualified human resources with characteristics that allow them to become leaders through the training and training that the company offers. The company looks for professional courses with genesis in large companies and multinationals, and who seek in the KW the possibility of following a new professional path, that allows them to put into practice their entrepreneurial characteristics in the service of real estate brokerage business.

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