Land Registry Office

It is a public service whose main function is to record all the information relating to immovable property, that is: the location, composition and identification of the successive owners.

It is a public service whose main function is to record all the information relating to immovable property, that is: the location, composition and identification of the successive owners.

Which actions can be carried out in a Land Registry Office

  • The constitution, recognition, acquisition or modification of property rights, usufruct, use and habitation, surface or easement.
    (for example the acquisition of a property by purchase or donation. In the latter case, if the donor reserves for himself the usufruct of the donated good, the registration of acquisition in favor of the donee implies the realization, unofficial (without depending on the will of the parties) , of the usufruct record.)
  • The constitution or modification of horizontal property and the right of timeshare;
  • Land transformation operations resulting from allotment, structuring of co-ownership and reparcelling, as well as the respective changes;
  • Mortgage;
  • Financial leasing;
  • Attachment and declaration of insolvency;
  • Recognition, constitution, modification or extinction of any of the above-mentioned rights, Paulian impugnation actions or the respective final decisions.

Acts of land registration can now be carried out and the respective means of proof obtained, in any registry office, regardless of their geographical location.

At the Land Registry in the area where the property is located, you can consult:

  • Who is the owner in whose name a given property is registered;
  • If there are mortgages or pledges in favor of third parties;
  • If the property or fraction is subject to any usufruct, or other encumbrance or encumbrance (for example, legal action) in favor of third parties.

Where can I find a Land Registry Office?

There is a conservatory for each municipality in Portugal. On the website of IRN - Instituto dos Registos e do Notariado you can consult the complete list of registry offices in the national territory.

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