Sell the House - How to choose the best price?

This is the first question a potential seller asks when deciding to put their home up for sale.

There is no easy answer, here are some tips and suggestions to help you:

  • There is no such thing as the best price , it all boils down to the famous relationship between time and profit: " the higher the price, the longer it will take to sell your home ".
  • Find out the prices of other homes for sale in your neighborhood, or that have recently sold. The most important thing is to find out what the price of the property was actually booked , because between the announced price and the one that prevails after the sale is negotiated, it is normal that there was a difference.
  • Consult the opinion of an experienced real estate consultant who works in an agency of some size. Preferably, you operate frequently in the area where you have your home for sale.
  • Consult the house price guides per square meter, available on the web.
  • Consult the average home loan price tables, which INE makes available monthly (see the table below which is updated until Feb. 2017).
  • Be prepared to lower the price after a while if the number of visits is not what you want. Lowering the price of a house, after a period of unsuccessful promotion, with a higher price, does not constitute a "handicap", as long as the price does not undergo multiple downward revisions, and may consolidate the idea that the "property is not ".

The frustration of having a home for sale and not receiving expressions of interest could be a sign that the price is not the most appropriate.

And remember: professional help in selling a home has a cost, but... "time is money".
Consult me and you will feel the difference.

INE publishes monthly the average values of bank appraisal of housing (€/m²), distributed by municipalities with a population of over 100,000 inhabitants (2011 census data).

Data referring to August 2018

Sales Price Table (€/m2) of Apartments and Houses - Main Cities

Source: INE - Average bank appraisal value - August 2018