Smart Cities

The future of cities reserves us experiences in the field of habitability, safety, sustainability, comfort and ergonomics that are still in the field of projects at this moment, both from a technological and scientific point of view. In this section I will follow some of those promises and discoveries that will contribute to building the cities of the future.

Since self-consumption was born, being a means for users to produce energy at home without relying on the conventional electric grid, the world has been looking at the trends that are emerging in the market, due to the exploitation of renewable energy, and which is currently responsible for a large part of the energy supply.

This system is emerging and gaining more and more importance...

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Of course, these are still useful suggestions for saving energy, but we do not always remember them and sometimes they pass us by completely. Did you know that you can improve the energy efficiency of your home, coupled with technology and still save money?

Automating the home is a trend that has been gaining more and more fans, being one of the best solutions for those looking for...

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