I'm talking about Tops created to distinguish the work of real estate consultants and teams in the real estate sector, obviously.

The number of AMI licenses that enable a company or professional to mediate real estate deals (buying and selling properties) has continued to grow in the last decade. I remember that in 2014 there were 3,410 AMI licenses and today there are 9,611. A growth of 282% in just one decade.
Tops there are many...
to distinguish the most productive real estate consultants.It is clear that this number reflects the growth of new real estate agencies, but above all the growth and emergence of new real estate franchise networks. Many of these networks are foreign, with emphasis on North American and French nationalities. Almost all of these brands establish performance rankings, creating a multitude of Tops and Distinctions, and generating some confusion and even devaluation of the intended purpose:
There are Tops for all tastes:
- Top of the Consultant who raises the most.
- Top Consultant with the highest number of transactions.
- Top of the Consultant with the highest turnover volume.
- Top of the Consultant Team with the highest turnover.
- Top of the most productive Agency, etc. etc.
If we multiply all these Tops by the month, the quarter and the year, by the agency and sometimes by the region of the country, we have hundreds if not thousands of consultants in Portugal, who are awarded throughout a year of activity. I think I've seen a Weekly Top ;)
Well, this comes in light of having been distinguished in April with the Nº1 Consultant award in the Top Individual Consultants by KW Portugal, relating to the annual turnover of 2024:
At KW Portugal there are many of the Tops mentioned, but as a general rule the emphasis goes to the Monthly Top and the Accumulated Top of the Year, relating to individual consultants (around 3,000) and teams (a team can have 2 or more consultants). All other rankings are of more internal interest than external promotion.
What are they for and how important are Tops in real estate?
For some, the Tops are just a vanity fair and due to the multiplicity of agencies and franchise networks, it becomes difficult to compare and understand which consultants have truly distinguished themselves, serving only for internal consumption.
So why the interest in this type of rankings? For many owners or buyers, knowing who the most distinguished consultants are can help in choosing the right consultant to sell their home, or help those looking to buy a property. It is important to trust those who have proven themselves.
Since 2017, I have obtained multiple distinctions, if not hundreds, as an individual consultant at KW Portugal, but I normally only publish a few distinctions as Consultant Nº1, with emphasis on the Accumulated Top of KW Portugal. For me, monthly premiums are "less important" than premiums for accumulated turnover over a year.
Why? Because they echo the most important characteristic for a professional in this area: consistency. Any consultant may shine occasionally in a given month, or in a given year, because, for example, they completed a successful transaction for an expensive property, what is difficult is maintaining the consistency of good results over a year, or even over several years. . Only Top Producers can do this consistently.
This is why I am rarely awarded the No. 1 Accumulated Top (individual) award before May or June, among almost 3,000 consultants. With the exception of 2023 in which I isolated myself in the Top accumulated from January to December, the normal thing is that the consistency of the work carried out only takes effect later. This year it was in April. Since 2017, after the month in which I assumed leadership of the Top Accumulated and until the end of the year, I have maintained this prominent position. At least this has been the trend... someday someone will surpass me. I congratulate you in advance :)
The competition made possible by rankings, even if internal, is a good practice because it allows professionals to be motivated, especially the most inexperienced ones, thus contributing to experiences of exceeding their potential.