Universidade Atlântica

The Atlantic University - University School of Business Sciences, Health, Technologies and Engineering is located in the Science and Technology Park, in the former Pólvora de Barcarena Factory, in Oeiras.

The Atlantic University - University School of Business Sciences, Health, Technologies and Engineering is located in the Science and Technology Park, in the former Pólvora de Barcarena Factory, in Oeiras.

It started its activity in 1996, thanks to the union of efforts of a group of university professors, researchers, financial institutions and institutional groups with the Municipality of Oeiras, which meanwhile left the project.

The objective behind this project has always been to develop a quality higher education institution to train professionals for the job market.

The courses taught cover several areas, such as: Management , Business Sciences , Health , Information and Communication Technologies, Materials Engineering , Technology Management and Aeronautics .

In 2014, the company Carbures acquired 87% of the school's share capital, with the purpose of fostering the connection between university higher education, research and industry, having created a technological pole for the development of the material engineering area. and the sciences of aeronautical engineering, according to Carbures' core business.

Atlântica allows students a high quality learning and research, with specialized training, integrated with the reality of companies, and thus, greater employability.

Today Atlântica intends to distinguish itself and be a valuable instrument for university progress in Portugal.
