Urban Rehabilitation

Cities, houses and any other construction undergo progressive degradation of their structures and exterior spaces over time. This degradation is normal, either due to the aging of the materials, the poor quality of some, or the aggression of the environment.

Urban rehabilitation aims to improve the conditions of buildings and cities, both internally and externally and in public spaces, maintaining the same functionality, but revitalizing them in order to make them more attractive. Here you can follow articles and news I'm writing, related to this topic.

Prata Riverside Village is a project conceived two decades ago and now finally sees the light of day. Luxury is present in every detail, from the architectural project - by Renzo Piano - through the quality of construction and premium finishes, to the project of living in a neighborhood between the green and blue of the river.

Located in the old industrial riverside area of Lisbon, in...

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This is related to the ruling issued by the Supreme Court of Justice (STJ), reported today, which cancels the possibility of coexisting, in the same building, permanent and temporary housing . In other words, the Local Lease no longer has a legal framework that supports it, if the property targeted by the AL License does not provide for its use for tourist purposes.


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It is recalled that the neighborhoods of Graça, Santana Hill, Alfama, Bairro Alto, Castelo, Madragoa and Mouraria have been prevented from accepting new Local Lease registrations pending the definition of a new regulation, which has now been published.

This new regulation aims to respond to the growing housing allocation in Lisbon for the Local Leasing activity, creating ...

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The project under the responsibility of VIC Properties SA was elected within the scope of the Salão Imobiliário de Lisboa (SIL) 2019 awards, unanimously awarded by the AIP Foundation and the SIL Strategic Council.

VIC Properties had a strong presence at the Parque das Nações hall, through its Prata Riverside Village stand, where the project's model was presented - by the architect Renzo...

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In all, in October, 125 'golden' visas were awarded, 118 through the property purchase criterion (66.8 M €) - 19 of them were allocated to urban rehabilitation projects - and 7 through the transfer of capital for investment ( 7.4 M €).

Balance of the Gold Visa Program

The Visa Gold Program facilitates the obtaining of a Residence Permit for foreigners from outside the Schengen Area, in...

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Among the well-known municipalities are Porto, Covilhã, Lisbon, Cascais, Sintra and Almada. In other words, if you own a house in ruins, or because you have been living for more than a year, you will have to pay the increased IMI tax, the value of which will be three times what you would normally pay.

In addition to this penalty that triples the value of IMI, there is yet another clause...

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In global terms, tourist revenues grew by 1,376 million euros (+ 10.8%) in September, compared to the same month of 2015.

There are several countries that have been gaining importance in the panorama of international real estate investment in Portugal. This week, the Secretary of State for Tourism, Ana Mendes Godinho, revealed some figures related to international...

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Advantages in the IRS

In the sale of a property, which has undergone rehabilitation works by the owner (resident in Portuguese territory), the minimum rate (5%) will be applied in the calculation of the Personal Income Tax-IRS to the resulting capital gains. This tax benefit is only valid for properties located within the Urban Rehabilitation Areas and is expected at least...

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