National Rental Desk

The BNA - Balcão Nacional de Arrendamento is intended to respond to landlords who decide to resort to the Special Eviction Procedure (PED), in order to evict tenants and revoke the Lease Agreement in force.

The BNA was created in January 2013 and applies in all cases where tenants fail to fulfill their responsibilities, forcing landlords to forcibly evict tenants. These are some of the reasons why landlords turn to the BNA:

  • Termination of contract by revocation (there is an agreement to revoke the lease, in which both agree to end the contract on a certain date, but the tenant does not vacate the premises)
  • Due to expiry due to the expiry of the term ,
  • As opposed to renewal ;
  • By free report by the landlord;
  • By denouncement for housing of the landlord or children, for deep works ;
  • By resolution, namely for non-payment of rents for two or more months or in cases of delay of more than 8 days in the payment of rent, for more than four consecutive or interspersed payments, within a period of 12 months.

Thus, the BNA is a virtual judicial secretariat administered by the State, which has designated powers for the entire national territory. Access to the BNA is done directly by the landlord, by a lawyer or solicitor representing him.All the processing inherent to the PED in the BNA is done electronically through a computer platform.

What requirements must the lease contract meet to access the BNA?

In order to access the BNA to be able to start a PED, the landlord must have a written lease contract with the stamp duty settled with a Finance service or whose rents have been declared for IRS or IRC purposes in the last four years . In cases where these requirements are not met, the BNA may refuse the start of the PED and the vacancy of the dwelling must be done, compulsorily, through a legal action. In case of termination of the contract due to non-payment, the landlord must send a written communication to the tenant where the amount owed is explicit.

How much does it cost to access the BNA?

To access the BNA, the landlord must pay a court fee between €25.50 and €51.00 depending on the value of the PED being, respectively, less than or equal to 30 thousand euros, or greater than this amount. The value of the PED corresponds to the value of the rent for two and a half years, plus the value of the rents owed, if applicable.

Subsequently, the landlord will have to pay the fees of the person who will carry out the eviction, which will be around €500, if this is done by an eviction agent. The enforcement agent is also responsible for expenses (costs arising from entering the premises, in particular breaking down the door and replacing the lock or with the assistance of the police authorities and travel expenses) incurred within the scope of the PED, provided that they are duly proven .

If the PED is distributed to the court, to the amounts mentioned above will be added the values corresponding to court costs determined depending on the conduct of the case.

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