KW Portugal was the most awarded delegation for the real estate activity for the year 2017, outside the USA and Canada, having been the one that sold the most properties, the most dividends and the commissions distributed, all thanks to the most numerous team of consultants.
Keller Williams'Â worldwide Family Reunion was held this year in Anaheim, an American city located in California, Orange County and brought together more than 19,000 real estate consultants and associates from over 23 countries.
Portugal had a large and very lively delegation, which was presented with several awards that distinguished its activity and which once again placed Portugal in the top of the most successful countries among the group of countries outside the USA and Canada. Here are the 2017 prizes awarded by Keller Williams Worldwide:
- # 1 GROSS COMMISSION INCOME (earnings from mediation fees)
- # 1 NET GROWTH SHARE (No. of referrals)
- # 1 CLOSE UNITS (Total properties sold)
- # 1 NET AGENT COUNT GROWTH (No. of real estate consultants)
In addition Eduardo Garcia e Costa, CEO of KW Portugal, was awarded the President's Award . This award distinguishes the excellent work that KW Portugal has had in developing KW outside the USA and Canada, in promoting the brand and in implementing and developing KW's business models.
Regarding this award, Bill Soteroff, President of Keller Williams Worldwide, stated:
It is only the second time that this prize has been awarded. It is intended for KW builders outside the North American market. This individual does not see things as they are, but as they can be. The President's Award is given to Eduardo Garcia e Costa for his leadership, vision and contribution to the development of the KW family in Portugal and worldwide.
For four days, thousands of the best consultants and leaders of this Franchising brand gathered in work sessions, testimonies and training and attended by the best specialists in the various areas that involve the activity of this great company.
170,000 consultants in more than 23 countries, spread across 5 continents .We recall that Keller Williams is the largest company in the real estate industry globally, with almost
KW Portugal is to be congratulated because in 2017 the volume of properties traded doubled ( 1,200 million euros ) and saw an increase in the number of members ( + 42% ), having today more than 1,50021 Market Centers (MC) of north to south of the country. The goal for 2018 is for the number of members to reach 2,500 with the desire and confidence that in 2018 these results will be exceeded! members spread across