Ecological Houses

At the turn of the century the term " green house " began to gain more and more importance. The origin of this expression dates back to the 70s of the last century, when the term "green house" began to be used, in the midst of the oil crisis. The objective then was to replace the suppliers of materials used in the construction of houses, with closer suppliers, in order to save on transport costs, inflated by the high price of oil. Related to this concept, countless associated terms have multiplied: eco, green, sustainable, ecoarchitecture, eco-friendly, etc.

Building an ecological house is increasingly a requirement of the new generations, more aware of the risks that the planet runs and the scarcity of natural and energy resources.

There are many possibilities that can contribute to the creation of a self-sustaining home: solar panels, wind microgeneration, construction techniques that improve thermal insulation without energy conditioning, good solar orientation taking advantage of natural light, use of rainwater, etc. These options may seem destined for the future, but in recent years they have become popular as their cost has dropped.

Here you can follow news and articles related to the theme of sustainability applied to the construction of houses:

Types of Underfloor Heating

Underfloor heating can be mainly categorized into two types: electric and hydraulic.

Electric Underfloor Heating:

It uses electrical cables or heating sheets to generate heat.

It is easier and quicker to install and is generally more suitable for renovations or smaller spaces.

It tends to be less energy efficient compared to plumbing, especially...

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An expensive house is not necessarily a luxury house , but a luxury house is inevitably expensive due to the requirements associated with it.In Portugal, there is common confusion between the term "luxury houses" and houses belonging to the high end of the real estate market.

Luxury homes are distinguished by a series of characteristics that give them unique charm,...

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Keeping your home cool during the summer is important, but it's also crucial to reduce your impact on the environment. Check out my tips for reducing heat and keeping your home cooler , in a sustainable way, while saving money and helping to preserve the planet .

Index 10 Tips to cool down your home... View more

However, there is still a restriction that makes it difficult to monetize the panels, without the sun there is no energy conversion, and consumption is higher during the night. Although there are already panels that can convert night heat into electricity, their efficiency is still low.

Storing unused energy during the day in batteries is an expensive solution and expensive...

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Nowadays, we all have appliances at home that make our lives easier. However, the price of water and energy also increases with its use, so we must do everything possible to use them efficiently, not to mention the preservation of the environment.

the price of water

Water is a scarce commodity and its price increasingly reflects this reality, not only due to the rising costs...

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Is your house cold?

According to an opinion study carried out by the environmental association Quercus in partnership with the Sustainable Construction Portal, carried out in 2027:

About 74% of Portuguese consider their homes cold in winter , 25% consider their homes warm in summer and only 1% of Portuguese consider their...

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Since self-consumption was born, being a means for users to produce energy at home without relying on the conventional electric grid, the world has been looking at the trends that are emerging in the market, due to the exploitation of renewable energy, and which is currently responsible for a large part of the energy supply.

This system is emerging and gaining more and more importance...

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Of course, these are still useful suggestions for saving energy, but we do not always remember them and sometimes they pass us by completely. Did you know that you can improve the energy efficiency of your home, coupled with technology and still save money?

Automating the home is a trend that has been gaining more and more fans, being one of the best solutions for those looking for...

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