It is the total surface of the building or fraction, and represents the sum of the gross areas of all floors of a building, above and below ground, and is measured considering the exterior of the walls that delimit or separate the dwellings.
Balconies, terraces, marquees and private balconies;
Accessory locations, basements and private attics;
The part that, on each floor, is used by elevators and freight elevators;
Stairs and the share of common circulation areas in the building.
Non-inhabitable attics (which do not have a regulatory height for housing purposes);
Garages located in the basement, including access areas;
Technical areas (PT, thermal power station, garbage collection compartments, etc.);
Outdoor galleries for public use;
Basement storage allocated to the various units of use of the building;
Discovered terraces;
Public outdoor galleries;
Streets or other open spaces for public use covered by the building.
The Dependent Gross Area refers to covered and closed areas for the exclusive use of the owner , whose use is ancillary to the use for which the building or fraction is intended, and which are not included in the calculation of the Private Gross Area (eg garage , storeroom, annexes...
The Deployment Area is the area located within the perimeter of the building's attachment to the ground measured from the outside, including the area occupied by porches and sheds with pillars fixed to the ground.