Change your tax address

If you moved house and the previous one was registered as your permanent home, either because you bought a new house or because you moved to a rented house, you know that one of the priority tasks is to change your tax address, in addition to other associated changes. And according to the law you have a maximum period of 60 days to do so.

Changing the tax address, which previously could be done in a simple way through the citizen's portal, is a process that is now more difficult and directly related to the change of address of the citizen card.

Why change the tax address?

Firstly, under the terms of the law, it is mandatory to notify the taxpayer's tax address to the tax administration. In case of non-compliance with this legal determination, a fine ranging from 75 € to 375 € will be charged.

Second, because this issue has consequences in the fiscal sphere, namely:

  • Regarding the tax deduction under the IRS, tax benefits can only be attributed to the owner of the house, if it is declared as his own and permanent home ;
  • for this exemption to be valid, the address must coincide with the one on the Citizen Card.One of the tax benefits that is also related to the tax address is the exemption from IMI, if you are entitled to it. But be careful, this diligence is not enough
  • It is important for the purpose of written communication between the Finance services and the owner;
  • If you need a Proof of Tax Address issued by AT, for example to formalize contracts with financial institutions, or for other purposes.

How to change the tax address?

The process of communicating or changing your tax address must be carried out if you buy or lease a new home and it becomes your new permanent residence.

So, whenever you change residence, you have 60 days to update your tax address and you can do it in two ways:

  • ON-LINE - free of charge through the Citizen Portal. This operation is only possible if you have a card reader, compatible with the Citizen Card (CC). You can purchase one at a computer store, with a cost that can vary between 8 € to 15 €. You will need to have the Citizen Card authentication PIN and the address PIN that were delivered to you when you revalidated your CC and register at the Citizen Portal , where you can change the address.
  • PRESENTLY - in one of the   Counters of Citizen Shops and Citizen Spaces that provide the service, or at one of the service desks of the Institute of Registries and Notaries (IRN). You will have to travel the first time requesting a change of address (and paying 3 euros). In a second moment and after receiving the letter at the new address, you will have to go to the counter again, with that letter, in order to confirm the new address. In both trips you will have to present the documents for the Citizen Card authentication PIN and the PIN address. Estes códigos são entregues logo após ter solicitado a emissão do cartão de cidadão, no ato de levantamento. Caso os tenha extraviado, terá que pedir um novo cartão de cidadão (tem um custo de 15 €).

Outras tarefas a considerar na mudança de morada

Uma das tarefas que a mudança de morada obrigava, até agora, deixou de ser necessária: a mudança da morada na carta de condução. Ou seja, agora quem mudar de casa já não é obrigado a efetuar a renovação da carta de condução. As novas cartas de condução não mostram a morada do condutor, uma vez que essa informação já se encontra registada no Cartão de Condução. A renovação das novas cartas de condução, far-se-á apenas após caducada a validade de 15 anos (e não de 10 como até aqui), ou aos 60 anos a idade ( e não aos 50 como até aqui), data a partir da qual é necessário apresentar atestado médico.

With regard to voter registration, you do not need to do anything other than change the address of the Citizen Card. This will trigger the automatic transfer of your registration in the voter registration to the parish corresponding to the new address. This process is suspended in the 60 days prior to the date of the electoral act, but it can meanwhile continue to vote in the parish related to the previous address.

Of course, in addition to these tasks, the list of possibilities is long: changing the address at banks, insurance, health center, magazine and newspaper subscriptions, library, sports clubs and associations, state portals, e-commerce sites where you have made a registration associated with the old address (hypermarkets, CTT, etc.), etc. etc. Only when we change addresses do we realize the increasing number of places where we register our address.

Consequences of changing your address

Please note that changing your tax address may involve changing the Finance Service, to which the Taxpayer is assigned.

According to ANACOM , changing the address implies changing your contract with the telecommunications operator:

  • The service installation address is part of the contract.
  • Changing address implies changing the contract or entering into a new one and it is necessary to reach an agreement with the operator.
  • If the operator grants you advantages, such as offering the value of the new installation, you may be subject to new loyalty.
  • If you choose to cancel the contract and do not reach an agreement with the operator on the conditions under which you can do so, go to the Consumer Conflict Arbitration Centers.