IMI - Municipal Property Tax

The IMI or Municipal Property Tax is a tax levied on the Tax Asset Value (VPT) of a property, which is calculated by finance. This is a tax that reverts to municipalities, and for most municipal councils it represents their main source of revenue. Follow here the news and articles that I am writing about this tax, which is of great interest to anyone who wants to buy a house.

The increase in the weight of this coefficient in the formula in the calculation of the VPT (Asset Value of a House), which used to be 5% and has now gone to 20%, will affect the valuations of new houses or requests for revaluation of old ones, causing the Municipal Property Tax (IMI) goes up, for houses that have greater exposure to the Sun and / or that benefit from...

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The new legislative package has an impact on several areas, among which I am interested in describing those that concern the real estate sector and which, according to Graça Fonseca, the program coordinator, are to be implemented within a maximum period of 1 year.

With regard to the real estate sector, the measures presented will have an impact on construction, real estate promotion and...

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