Real Estate Mediation

Real Estate Mediation is the activity that allows you to establish a bridge between property owners and buyers and monitor the entire process, from the promotion and visits to the property until the time of writing. This is an activity strongly regulated by the responsible entities and hence the need to monitor and get to know all the news and information about it. This is what I will be doing on this page through articles and news.

KW Área Madeira and its team of more than 180 real estate consultants and employees are to be congratulated on the new facilities at Quinta dos Ilhéus!

The new facilities of this KW Market Center in Madeira are located at Rua dos Ilhéus nº 6, Funchal , a farm flanked by leafy gardens, with a total area of 2,730 m2 , parking for customers and around...

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"I accepted a new challenge..." It is almost always with this phrase that those who decide to change jobs or simply embrace a new project, communicate their decision to change. Because? Because the word challenge encompasses everything that an unknown scenario represents. We can be successful or not because nothing is guaranteed. Above all, the predisposition to take...

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All pretexts are good for celebrating the fruits of our labor. But this particular week, when KW Portugal celebrates the 7th anniversary , of a short existence but full of successes, I could not fail to mark it with a small balance of my real estate activity. We are to be congratulated!

It was in September 2014 that KW Portugal started an adventure that today...

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Although not a total surprise, as I have accumulated this distinction since 2017 on an ongoing basis, the past year was a test year that allowed me to reinforce the conviction that this surprising journey over the last 5 years was not the result of chance.

As the Portuguese say, the future belongs to God! But, what this year full of difficulties proved to me was that,...

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The answer is not the same for everyone. It is clear that if we analyze only from a financial point of view, comparing the installment to be paid to the bank versus the amount of rent to be paid to the landlord, the conclusion may point to the purchase of the house, to the detriment of the lease option.

Advantages and disadvantages between buying or renting a house

The decision to buy a...

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Teleworking an upward trend

This is a trend that has been growing for a decade, in line with the development of digital tools and the growth of jobs in the services area. E-mail, video conferences, electronic devices such as smartphones and others, facilitated this path and "created" professions that survive well from social distance. What was previously unthinkable, if not impossible...

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Luís Lima, the president of APEMIP , came to resume agreement with the confinement measures decided by the Government, in the context of the State of Emergency and the current pandemic, with a view to stop the contagion of the virus and protect the health and life of the Portuguese.

However, he recalled that access to housing is an essential right of citizens,...

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In 2020, we live in troubled moments all over the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the real estate activity felt this impact in a particular way.

Gary Keller, the founder of Keller Williams (KW), predicted that the housing market would go through a negative cycle, which always happens at every good moment and only those who prepare in advance could survive and become stronger. For...

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