The Land Book is an essential document for buying or selling your home , but not only. It is comparable in importance to that of your citizen card: without it you cannot carry out certain legal procedures. Find out everything about what a Caderneta Predial is , what it contains, what it is needed for, how to obtain the Caderneta Predial Online, how to change it, etc.
- Predial Booklet, what is it?
- Building Booklet, what information does it contain ?
- What is a Predial Booklet used for?
- Where and how to obtain the Predial Booklet?
- Who can request a Predial Booklet?
- What is the validity of the Predial Booklet?
- How to update the Urban Building Booklet?
- Como saber se paga IMI a mais?
A Caderneta Predial Urbana e Rústica (também designada Certidão Matricial) é um documento documento de identificação único para qualquer prédio (apartamentos, moradias, lojas, escritórios, edifícios, terrenos, etc.), rústico ou urbano, constituído ou não em propriedade horizontal (com mais do que uma fração), suscetível de pagamento do IMI (Imposto Municipal sobre Imóveis). A Caderneta Predial é um documento emitido pela AT-Autoridade Tributária e identifica a localização, o(s) proprietário(s), composição, características, valor tributável do imóvel e comprova a situação regularizada da matriz.
There are two official models: the computerized urban building matrix and the urban building building book, defined in the following terms:
The Building Booklet contains, for the property or fractions registered therein (apartments, shops, etc.), the description of the building, its location and identification, the data referring to the valuation of the building, the valuation data of the same for calculation purposes of taxes, location and elements of the autonomous fractions, the holders and information regarding tax exemptions.
These are the main elements that appear in the property booklet:
The Predial Booklet is essential in the transaction of buying or selling a house.
But its importance does not end there. This document is for a property what the Citizen Card is for an individual. Without it, it is not possible to buy or sell a property, request a reassessment of its patrimonial value, contract water and electricity services , etc.
The Caderneta Predial is the most important document to support the processes of selling a property (in the promise of purchase and sale, or in the deed), as well as for the following situations:
1 - Sell your house or other type of property:
2 - For tax reasons:
There are two ways, both with legal validity, to obtain the Land Registry for a rustic or urban building, namely:
AT-Authoridade Tributária published a video that describes step by step how to obtain the Caderneta Predial using its portal:
You can only obtain the Land Registry for a rural or urban property if it forms part of your assets, that is, if you are one of the legitimate owners of the property in question, or one of its legal representatives.
Although the Land Registry is a document that is not provided to third parties, you can alternatively obtain a simplified version (which contains part of the information contained in the Book) by requesting a Land Registry Certificate , the Housing Technical Sheet or the Housing License , at the City Council of the area where the property is located.
The Caderneta Predial is valid for 12 months , whether requested in person at the finance desk or through the online portal, after which you will have to request a new one . The issue date appears at the bottom of this document. Ideally, issue a new property booklet via the Internet on the Finance web portal, as this is the easiest and cost-free method. Alternatively, you can go to any Tax Office and request this document, paying the associated costs.
It is very important to keep the data in the Land Registry correct and up-to-date, whether for the purpose of valuing your property (if you need to promote its sale), or with regard to taxes to be paid, or for the purposes of a deed of buy and sell. It is normal for some data to be outdated or even incorrect: the areas, the heritage value, the owners of the property or the toponymy of the address. Learn how to correct the Predial Booklet:
The importance of Caderneta Predial goes beyond simple consultation for bureaucratic or legal purposes. Find out how to use the respective data to your advantage, finding out if you can lower the municipal tax (IMI) on your home, or how to value it if you decide to put it up for sale.
As previously mentioned, the Land Book allows you to know the VPT - Tributary Asset Value that the Tax Authority assigned to your property, at the time of its issuance. It is based on this value that two taxes are calculated: the IMT - Municipal Tax on Real Estate Transfers and the IMI - Municipal Property Tax.
The VPT of real estate is automatically updated by Finance every 3 years, applying a factor calculated at 75% of the currency devaluation coefficient published annually in the Diário da República to the value registered in the Caderneta Predial. In the last decade this coefficient has remained almost unchanged (since 2018 this coefficient is 1.00). But the asset value may suffer devaluation over time, making you pay an outdated amount of IMI tax every year, and this update is not automatic . If the VPT value is higher than it was supposed to be, then here's an opportunity to save money and ask for it to be reassessed.
If you ask the Tax Authority for a new assessment of your property, this will only have an effect on the assessment of IMI in the following year, for which you will have to submit the request for reassessment by December 31 of the current year
The taxable value of real estate is automatically updated by Finance every three years , based on currency devaluation coefficients, translating into an increase in the real estate value. However, unfortunately, this review does not cover other variables used in VPT calculation, eg. the antiquity coefficients (the age of the property), or the location coefficients. Thus, asking for a new assessment of the property is the only way to lower the tax to be paid . The request is free, but it can only be done if at least three years have passed since the last evaluation. Thus, if you have already submitted this request in 2020 or 2021, you will still not be able to submit it in 2022.
If you want to sell your house, one of the first tasks is to determine the right price to put it up for sale . To determine the most market-adjusted price, the areas in the Building Booklet are essential. Not only because this is the first piece of information that interested customers will want to know, but also because real estate agents use the value of the areas contained in this document to promote their sale.
Often the areas that appear in the booklet are not correct in the face of reality. If the difference is large, it can impact choosing the right price to sell your home. If the areas referred to in the Booklet are smaller than the actual areas, then consider requesting an update of the Booklet Building, going to the finance counter. Although this change may have a negative impact on the future settlement of taxes (IMI or IMT), the increase in the sale price fully justifies it.