How much does a house cost in Lisbon?

As expected, Lisbon, being the capital, is the Portuguese city where sales prices are highest. Find out what prices are charged in Lisbon when selling a house, with the majority of the offer being made up of apartments.

Portugal, despite being a small country, has large differences in terms of sales or rental prices, from region to region and city to city. Lisbon is no exception to this rule, as prices vary greatly between parishes, neighborhoods or even within the same street, as is the case on large Avenidas, for example.

In the last 6 years, Lisbon has been affected by an impressive real estate dynamic, having seen housing prices rise year after year, with some avenues and neighborhoods in the capital having prices similar to, or even higher than, those of other capitals in European countries with a higher purchasing power.

The city of Lisbon is divided into 24 parishes: Ajuda, Alcântara, Alvalade, Areeiro, Arroios, Avenidas Novas, Beato, Belém, Benfica, Campo de Ourique, Campolide, Carnide, Estrela, Lumiar, Marvila, Misericórdia, Olivais, Parque das Nações , Penha de França, Santa Clara, Santa Maria Maior, Santo António, São Domingos de Benfica and São Vicente. They all have different characteristics and the real estate value of the houses is indexed to their historical weight versus proximity to the center / Tagus river.

Below you can see a table with the sales prices of apartments, which were for sale on the Imovirtual platform, in October 2022, for the different parishes of Lisbon, based on a universe of 10,196 apartments.

Apartment Sale Prices in Lisbon

October 2022

Parish Average price T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 and above
Bethlehem €1,050,000 €400,000 €855,000 €847,500 €1,200,000 €1,887,500
Nations' park €850,000 €267,500 €418,000 €648,000 €1,850,000 €1,305,000
New Avenues €755,000 €420,000 €502,000 €712,000 €1,070,000 €1,420,000
Alvalade €735,000 €222,250 €490,000 €735,000 €930,000 €825,000
Star €726,000 €250,000 €390,000 €726,000 €924,000 €1,650,000
Areeiro €692,500 €249,000 €405,000 €590,000 €800,000 €850,000
Saint Anthony €676,500 €390,000 €533,500 €780,000 €1,180,000 €1,350,000
Campolide €598,000 €305,000 €395,000 €660,000 €840,000 €1,240,000
Alcantara 565 000€ €280,000 €500,000 €545,000 €1,298,000 €1,100,000
São Domingos de Benfica €549,000 €234,200 €305,000 €350,000 €569,800 €950,000
Compassion €545,775 €325,000 €422,500 €637,500 €997,498 €1,560,000
Lumiar €541,059 €250,000 €345,000 €440,000 €595,000 €723,950
Campo de Ourique €525,000 €300,000 €385,000 €492,500 €750,000 €1,450,000
Santa Maria Maior €525,000 €245,000 €267,500 €720,000 €795,000 €962,500
Marvila €435,000 €332,500 €415,000 €500,000 €510,000 €867,000
Carnide 429 900€ €227,450 €360,000 €437,000 €429,900 €824,950
Arroios €415,000 €350,000 €315,000 €417,500 €450,000 €560,000
olive groves €400,000 €418,000 €350,000 €320,000 €335,000 €867,000
Saint Clara €396,900 €202,500 €302,250 €408,963 €807,500
Blessed €385,000 €165,000 €270,000 €348,500 €718,000 €1,750,000
Penha de França €329,450 €150,000 €235,000 €329,900 €370,000 €399,000
Help €317,000 €169,000 €246,450 €340,000 €409,000 €575,400
Benfica €299,900 890 000€ €226,000 €299,900 €399,900 €510,000
Saint Vincent €275,000 €230,000 €239,500 €239,500 €800,000 €600,000

Apartment Sale Prices in Lisbon

October 2022

Lisbon is a large city and, like other European capitals, it has a reduced supply of housing compared to the supply of apartments for sale.Hence the high price for this type of house.

Parish Average price T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 and above
New Avenues €3,300,000 €325,000 €3,647,500
Alcantara €2,435,000 €2,315,000 €160,000 €1,925,000 €2,435,000
Saint Anthony €2,325,000 €350,000 €275,000 €1,200,000 €4,000,000
Alvalade €2,250,000 €485,000 €890,000 €1,020,000 €2,650,000
Star €2,135,000 €265,000 €550,000 €3,075,000
Bethlehem €1,985,000 590 000€ €150,000 €814,250 €1,400,000 €2,295,000
Compassion €1,525,000 €1,900,000 €540,000 €1,350,000 €1,700,000 €2,700,000
Areeiro €1,475,000 €750,000 €1,650,000
Carnide €1,400,000 €198,450 €275,000 €1,400,000
Penha de França €1,099,500 €699,000 €302,500 €330,000 €1,500,000
Lumiar €1,080,000 €357,500 €550,000 €900,000 €1,580,000
Santa Maria Maior €1,070,000 €1,160,000 €1,250,000 €325,000 €595,000 €3,450,000
Benfica €890,000 €890,000 278 500€ €680,000 €980,000
Campo de Ourique €875,000 €311,500 €442,500 €1,100,000 €1,190,000
olive groves €870,000 €695,000 €625,000 €949,500
Arroios €790,000 €1,464,000 €386,500 €1,800,000
Marvila €682,000 €200,000 €350,000 €745,000
Campolide €530,000 €275,000 €559,500 €787,500
Blessed €500,000 €185,000 €240,000 €530,000 €580,000
Saint Clara €440,000 €440,000
Saint Vincent 395 000€ €500,000 €348,000 €395,000 €288,900 €1,200,000
São Domingos de Benfica €346,500 €348,000 €160,000
Help €320,000 €265,000 €320,000 €320,000 €320,000
olive groves €160,000 €87,000 €180,000 €860,000